Decorative Vignettes _ How to Create

French Inspiration

For a French inspiration hashtag tour, I put together this Parisian vignette. It turned out magnifique! I used my vintage silverplated champagne bucket purchased at an estate sale to display some flowers. The flowers were from the local grocery store. The main function of a champagne bucket is to store champagne, wine and other beverages, …

Home Decor

How to Decorate with Books – Tips and Tricks

Books are items we see pretty much every day, items we often take for granted. Cookbooks, baking books, DIY books, textbooks, novels, photobooks, poem books, bibles, devotionals, etc. The list goes on and on! We see books everywhere too! Just about every store sells some sort of book! Some home decor stores even sell fake …

Entertaining - Parties and Events

How to Create a Valentine’s Day Sweet Board

Valentine’s Day is not actually a public holiday but is considered a feast day in many countries across the world. It is customary for people to celebrate Valentine’s Day with expressions of love. This could mean buying someone you love flowers, sending or handing out cards, gifting chocolates and candy to friends and family, throwing …

Home Decor

How to Make Your Home Look Expensive – 8 Tips to Achieve the Look for Less

Do you have champagne taste on a beer budget? Do you crave elegance, but cannot afford the high-end furniture and accessories that come along with it? Do you want people to say โ€œwowโ€ when they enter your home? Believe it or not making your home appear expensive without breaking the bank is very achievable! I …

Holiday Decor

Elegant Christmas Decor – How to Achieve the Look and Plan Ahead

Every year I seem to get more and more into the Christmas decorations. I keep adding to it! So, every year things begin to look fuller and other areas of the home that were not decorated in previous years are now decorated. My Christmas decor is literally growing and spreading before my eyes. Notice this …

Entertaining - Parties and Events

How to Plan a Neighborhood Sip and Stroll – Christmas Edition

Every year many of us put so much effort into decorating our homes for Christmas. We stand back and admire our work and are so proud. The tree, the garlands, the floral arrangements and other Christmas vignettes are so beautiful to look at. And there may be some years where you put in a lot …

Entertaining - Parties and Events

How to Create a Christmas Dessert Platter

It’s the Christmas season and there are numerous parties and events. Christmas is literally celebrated all December long. Countless celebrations are held with family and friends. You are invited to office parties, ugly sweater parties, white elephant gift exchanges, cookie exchanges, Grinchmas parties, wrapping parties, etc. I can go on and on. Sound familiar? Are …